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Sterowanie i przełączanie ochronne JGKB-45

The new control and protection switch has a beautiful appearance design, and the product has functions such as overvoltage, undervoltage, overload, short circuit, locked rotor, three-phase imbalance, over temperature, leakage, communication, etc. The software design is user-friendly, with direct three row display, and the product’s functions are easy to expand. Currently,

Automatyczny przełącznik podwójnego zasilania JGQ3-100

JGQ3 series dual-power automatic transfer switch (ATSE), is a set of switch and logic control in one, without the need for external controller, truly realize the mechanical and electrical integration of automatic transfer switch, it is suitable for AC 50Hz, rated voltage to 440V, the agreed heating current of 100A in the industrial and enterprise power distribution equipment, with voltage detection, frequency detection, communication interface, electrical and mechanical interlock and other functions, can achieve fully automatic, remote control, forced “0”, emergency manual operation, It is widely used in the automatic conversion of the main current and the standby power supply system or the automatic conversion and safety isolation of two load equipment. The switch is managed by the control circuit board issued by various logic commands, and the motor drives the operating mechanism of the main part of the switch, quickly connects the breaking circuit or converts the electrical appliance, and realizes safety isolation through the obvious visible state.

Podwójny automatyczny przełącznik zasilania JGGQ-63 typu mini

Seria JGQ1Podwójne zasilanieAutomatyczny przełącznik zasilania(zwany dalej przełącznikiem) jest odpowiedni dla prądu przemiennego 50 Hz lub 60 Hz, znamionowego napięcia roboczego 400 V, poniżej dwuobwodowego systemu zasilania. W razie potrzeby można dokonać selektywnej konwersji między dwoma źródłami zasilania. Produkt ma funkcje zwarcia, przeciążenia, podnapięcia i utraty napięcia, a także funkcje ochrony przeciwpożarowej, podwójnego podziału i wyjściowego sygnału zamknięcia.

Jest szczególnie odpowiedni do instalacji i użytkowania linii oświetleniowych w budynkach biurowych, centrach handlowych, bankach, stacjach, szpitalach i wieżowcach, które wymagają ochrony przeciwpożarowej. Produkt jest zgodny z normami GB / T14048, 11.

Automatyczny przełącznik zasilania z dwoma wejściami i jednym wyjściem JGQ3-100 4P

JGQ3 series automatic transfer switch (ATSE), is a set of switch and logic control in one, without the need for an external controller, truly realize the mechanical and electrical integration of the automatic transfer switch, it is suitable for AC 50Hz, rated voltage to 440V, the agreed heating current of 100A in the industrial and enterprise power distribution equipment, with voltage detection, frequency detection, communication interface, electrical and mechanical interlock and other functions, can achieve fully automatic, remote control, forced “0”, emergency manual operation, It is widely used in the automatic conversion of the main current and the standby power supply system or the automatic conversion and safety isolation of two load equipment. The switch is managed by the control circuit board issued by various logic commands, and the motor drives the operating mechanism of the main part of the switch, quickly connects the breaking circuit or converts the electrical appliance, and realizes safety isolation through the obvious visible state.