A self-resetting over/under voltage protector is an electrical protection device used to prevent damage to electrical equipment caused by excessive or insufficient voltage. It can automatically restore power, preventing long-term damage to equipment due to voltage fluctuations.
A metering current-limiting protector not only provides current-limiting protection but also monitors current changes in real time and records data. It provides users with detailed current usage information, which is helpful for analyzing and optimizing the power system.
Three-phase voltage and current meters are primarily used for monitoring and measuring the voltage and current of three-phase AC power. They are commonly used in power systems and industrial equipment to help engineers detect abnormal conditions in the power system.
A dual-power automatic transfer switch is used to automatically switch to a backup power source in case of a primary power failure, ensuring continuous power supply. It is widely used in places with high power requirements, such as hospitals, data centers, and communication base stations.
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