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过压和欠压保护器 JGGQ-80


Ⅰ. Introduction

10 years of technical precipitation, N times of testing and technical improvement, JGGQ-80 modelSelf-resettable over/undervoltage protectorListed on the market, the control circuit adopts high-speed micro-low-power processor as the core, the magnetic latching relay as the main circuit, and the analogized standard design, which has the technical advantages of low power consumption, precise control, beautiful appearance, anti-harmonic, anti-interference, withstand voltage up to AC450V, withstand current up to 3000A, etc.


经济型自复位欠压保护器是数字电路与模拟量相结合的产品,具有数字电路控制精确的优点,主要表现为复位时间相同,即一批产品同时通电,该批产品的动作时间相同,产品之间没有复位时间的误差,每次复位时间的误差不会超过 0.5 秒;另外,耐压高,在 AC450V 的情况下,长时间也不会损坏。

Ⅱ.Second, the main technical parameters


2.工作电压:交流 230 伏,50 赫兹

3.过压保护值:AC270V ±5V

4.欠压保护值:AC170V ±5V

5.故障后重置时间:20 秒

6.行动时间:0.1 秒

7.最高可承受 AC450V 过电压。


Ⅲ.The implementation of standards

JGJ242-2011 住宅建筑电气设计规范


GJBT-672 住宅建筑电气设计与施工标准图集


符合 III 类电器的安全标准
