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Driefasige vierdraads stroombegrenzingsbeveiliger - elektromechanisch geïntegreerd - JGFH-125JS economisch type

JGFH-JS serie is een driefasige vierdraads stroombegrenzende beschermer is een uitgebreide beschermer met een verscheidenheid aan beveiligingsfuncties zoals overspanning, onderspanning, overstroom, lekkage, faseverlies en gebrek aan nul, en de voordelen van productmodularisatie, intelligentie, visualisatie, enz, terwijl het standaard Modbus485-communicatieprotocol wordt ondersteund, kunnen alle beschermingsparameters zoals overspanning, onderspanning en overstroombeveiliging worden ingesteld volgens de stroomvraag om ervoor te zorgen dat overspanning, onderspanning en overstroom in de lijn voorkomen

Product Introduction

JGFH- JS series is a three-phase four-wire current-limiting protector is a comprehensive protector with a variety of protection functions such as overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, leakage, phase loss, and lack of zero, and the product is modular, intelligent, visualized, etc., and supports the standard Modbus485 communication protocol, and all protection parameters such as overvoltage, undervoltage, and overcurrent protection can be set according to the power demand, so as to ensure that overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, leakage current, short circuit, phase loss, etc. occur in the line. In the event of a failure such as a lack of zero, the protector can instantly cut off the power supply to protect the electrical equipment from damage.

Working conditions

1. The first normal power-on delay is 20 seconds and automatically closes; In the case of overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent and leakage when the first power is on, the product will be automatically disconnected within 3 seconds;

2. The ambient temperature does not exceed +40 °C, not less than -5 °C, and the average temperature of 24 hours does not exceed +35 °C; At +40°C, the ambient air humidity does not exceed 50%.

3. The height of the sea dial at the installation site shall not exceed 2000 meters.

4. Pollution level III.

5. In the installation environment, there is no explosion hazard medium, no corrosive and insulating gas and conductive dust, and no rain and snow invasion.

The range of protection parameters is set

a. 1 times the action time can be adjusted from 1 to 120 seconds, and the default is 5 seconds;

b. 1.1 times the action time is less than 0.1 seconds;

c. The overvoltage protection value AC265V is set in the range of 210-300V,

The action time is 0.1 seconds, and the setting range: 0.1-10 seconds;

d. The undervoltage protection value AC170V is set to 120-200V,

The action time is 0.1 seconds, and the setting range: 0.1-10 seconds;

e. The default value of three-phase unbalance is P000, that is, the closed state;

f. Overcurrent setting range

JGFH-125JS/125 type: 32 to 125A

JGFH-250JS/250 model: 100 to 250A

JGFH-400JS/400 model: 160 to 400A

g. The setting range of residual current protection value: 1 to 1000mA, the default is 75mA, and the action time is less than 0.1 seconds

auxiliary wiring diagram and external dimensions