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Din rail type energiemeter driefase vierdraads DTS805

Het product keurt DIN35mm de structuur van de spoorinstallatie, kleine grootte goed, kan elektrische energie en andere elektrische parameters meten, kan parameters zoals klok, tariefperiode, enz., met hoge precisie, goede betrouwbaarheid, en prestatiesindicatoren overeenkomstig de nationale norm GB/T17215-2002, GB/T17883-1999 en de norm DL/T614-2007 van de machtsindustrie voor de technische vereisten van de elektrische energiemeter plaatsen, en heeft de functie van de output van de elektrische energieimpuls; RS485 de communicatie interface kan worden gebruikt om gegevensuitwisseling met de gastheercomputer te realiseren.

1. Scope of application

DTS3485 series three-phase four-wire and DSS3485 series three-phase three-wire electronic rail electric energy meter (hereinafter referred to as “instrument”) is the use of large-scale integrated circuits, the application of digital sampling technology, is designed for the power system, communication industry, construction industry and other power monitoring and power metering needs, mainly for the electrical circuit in the three-phase voltage, three-phase current, active power, reactive power, frequency, forward and reverse electric energy, four-quadrant electric energy and other parameters for real-time measurement and display, using standard DIN35mm Din rail mounting; As a monitoring terminal product of energy management system, it can be widely used in internal power assessment and monitoring of industrial and mining enterprises, hotels, schools and large public buildings.

The performance indicators of the electric energy meter comply with the following relevant technical standards:

GB/T 17215.211-2021

GB/T 17215.321-2021 Special requirements for electrical measuring equipment (AC) – Part 21: Static active energy meters (Class A, Class B, Class C)

GB/T 17215.323-2008 Special requirements for alternating current measuring equipment – Part 23: Static reactive energy meters (Levels 2 and 3)

DL/T 645-2007 “Multifunctional Energy Meter Communication Protocol” MODUS-RTU standard protocol

2. Product features

The main functions of the product are: three-phase voltage, three-phase current, active power, reactive power, power, power factor, frequency, active energy metering, reactive energy metering, demand statistical complex rate (optional), harmonic analysis (optional)

It has RS485 communication port and supports standard ModBus protocol or DL/T 645-2007 protocol.

It can support external control function, and supports up to 2 relay outputs

DIN35mm standard rail mounting, modular structure design, small size, easy to install;

3. Model description

Rail three-phase electric energy meter instruction manual (4P) - model description .jpg

Fourth, the size of the product

Three-phase electric energy meter with guide rail - product size .jpg