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Besturing en beveiligingsschakeling JGKB-45

De nieuwe controle- en beveiligingsschakelaar heeft een mooi uiterlijk en het product heeft functies zoals overspanning, onderspanning, overbelasting, kortsluiting, geblokkeerde rotor, driefasige onbalans, te hoge temperatuur, lekkage, communicatie, enz. Het softwareontwerp is gebruiksvriendelijk, met een direct display met drie rijen, en de functies van het product zijn gemakkelijk uit te breiden. Momenteel,

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The new control and protection switch has a beautiful appearance design, and the product has functions such as overvoltage, undervoltage, overload, short circuit, locked rotor, three-phase imbalance, over temperature, leakage, communication, etc. The software design is user-friendly, with direct three row display, and the product’s functions are easy to expand. Currently, it is the most comprehensive control and protection switch in the protection function of electrical protectors.

 Product features

1. Function extension: Temperature and leakage protection, as long as external accessories are connected, the required protection functions can be added

2. Three row digital tube display, real-time voltage, current, leakage, and temperature parameters display intuitively

3. Wide adjustable range of protection current:

10A: 1-10A

45A: 2-45A

125A: 32-125A

4. Customizable 485 communication function

5. Password function to prevent unnecessary after-sales service caused by unauthorized personnel setting the product incorrectly on site

6. Added factory recovery function, which allows for one click recovery to the original program state in case of on-site setting errors

3、 Technical parameters

1. Voltage detection range: AC100~300V, accuracy level: 1.0 level.

2. Current detection range: 45 type, 1-45A, accuracy level: 1.0 level.

125 type, 32-125A, accuracy level: 1.0

3. Leakage current detection range: 5-300mA, accuracy level: 2.5.

4. Temperature detection range: -50~160 ℃, accuracy level: 2.0.

3. Product power consumption: ≤ 6W.

4. Ultimate breaking capacity: 7000A.

5. Mechanical life ≥ 1 million times, electrical life 200000 times.

6. The RS485 communication protocol is detailed in the RS485 Communication Manual V2.0 for Power Instruments and Protectors.