JGDL-63 is an energy metering type current limiting protector, which provides multiple protection functions for overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, leakage, temperature, frequency, and energy meteringThe comprehensive protector of Neng can set all protection
JGD multi-functional power meter is designed for the power monitoring needs of power systems, industrial and mining enterprises, public facilities, and intelligent buildings. It can measure all common power parameters, such as three-phase current, voltage, active and reactive power, electricity, harmonics, etc. Because the power meter also has a complete communication networking function, we call it a network power meter. It is ideal for real-time power monitoring systems. The meter has a high performance-to-price ratio and can directly replace conventional power transmitters and measuring instruments. As an advanced intelligent and digital front-end acquisition element, this series of network instruments has been widely used in various control systems, SCADA systems and energy management systems
The product adopts DIN35mm rail installation structure, small size, can measure electric energy and other electrical parameters, can set parameters such as clock, rate period, etc., with high precision, good reliability, and performance indicators in line with the national standard GB/T17215-2002, GB/T17883-1999 and the power industry standard DL/T614-2007 for the technical requirements of the electric energy meter, and has the function of electric energy pulse output; RS485 communication interface can be used to realize data exchange with the host computer.
The intelligent three-phase four wire current and voltage protector is mainly used in power systems with AC 50Hz (60Hz), rated working voltage 220/380V, main body rated current ranging from 2A to 63A, intelligent controller adjustable working current ranging from 2A to 63A, and control power ranging from. 5KW to 20KW to connect, carry, and disconnect current or voltage under normal conditions (including specified overload conditions), and can also be connected Carrying current or voltage under abnormal conditions (such as short circuit, undervoltage, etc.) for a certain period of time and breaking regulations.
De FHXL-63 serie is de stroombegrenzende brandalarmbeveiliging, en het is een uitgebreide beveiliging met meerdere beveiligingsfuncties voor overspanning, onderspanning, overstroom, lekkage, temperatuur en rookdetectie. Het product heeft de voordelen van modularisering, intelligentie, visualisering enzovoort. Tegelijkertijd ondersteunt het het standaard Modbus485 communicatieprotocol. Alle beveiligingsparameters zoals overspanning, onderspanning en overstroombeveiliging kunnen worden ingesteld op basis van de stroomvraag, zodat de beschermer de stroomtoevoer onmiddellijk kan onderbreken wanneer er overspanning, onderspanning, overstroom en andere storingen in de lijn optreden, en de elektrische apparatuur tegen schade kan worden beschermd.
Wie wij zijn
Wenzhou Jiangguang Electric Technology Co, Ltd richt zich op intelligente elektronische apparaten en integreert onderzoek, ontwikkeling, productie en service. Het productontwerp ontwikkelt zich in de richting van standaardisatie, modularisatie en intellectualisatie, met opmerkelijke voordelen en uitstekende beschermings- en controleprestaties.
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